Steve Gallagher

The Power Behind Addiction

'The Struggles of the Christian Life' - Steve Gallagher

Breaking Free From Habitual Sin

Exposing the Root of all Sin

Have You Had A True Revelation of Jesus? by Steve Gallagher

Unearthing the Plot to Seduce God's People | Babylon Series | Episode 1 Part 1

When Satan Possesses A Culture by Steve Gallagher

Deliverance from Darkness - Steve Gallagher

Steve Gallagher no Brasil

Escaping the Corruption of Lust by Steve Gallagher

The Way of the Backslider - Steve Gallagher

The One Necessary Thing by Steve Gallagher

God's Response to Our Sin - Steve Gallagher

ENTREVISTA COM STEVE GALLAGHER (Contaminados pela Babilônia) | Thais Benevente

Steve Gallagher Rhythmic Study 2

Fighting for a Life in the Spirit - Steve Gallagher

Introducing World of Lies with Steve Gallagher

Geen hel? | Steve Gallagher [NL ondertiteling]

The Value of a Redeemed Soul by Steve Gallagher

The Great Lie by Steve Gallagher (clip)

The Prayer of a Repentant Heart - Steve Gallagher

Steve Gallagher | Mentoraat: Hoe gebruik je het boek 'Word Jezus gelijk?'

Steve Gallagher | Het belang van Bijbels pastoraat | Bijbelschool Filadelfia

You Need to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit by Steve Gallagher